Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life Goes On...

This post is a few months late but then again... better late than never...

2010 came and went. It wasn't a joyride at all the entire year. Generally it was more downs than ups but then again, I always tell myself to look for the silver lining. I held on... charged on... and it's now the beginning of the 2nd quarter in 2011.

You peeps out there who know me well would know the SHIT that I had gone through the entire year. It hasn't been easy but I have made a few more really good friends who have stood by me, supported me and urged me along. A very big THANK YOU to all you gal pals out there. MUACKS! MUACKS!

2011 started off with a bang and I really do pray that it stays this way for months and years to come. Ups and downs are really a big part of my life but so far it's been a good start to the year.

Something that I've been waiting for years is finally happening soon. I am engaged to be married in less than 2 months from now. My bestest friend in the world got married and is going to be a mother. And I am going to be the proudest godmother out there.

Business is picking up although careerwise I'm probably going nowhere at my job. So I'll put in more effort into my business and make it flourish. God, please know I really need this. *prays hard*

So... here's to my life going on...