Thursday, May 07, 2009


Ok. I know I've been silent for a while since Cats. A lot has happened in that time and it'll take me ages to write about. Nothing major has happened to me but it concerns a very good friend of mine. Which is also why some of you might have noticed my IM status... I'm pondering...

I am pondering about life basically. Pondering on why bad things happen to good people. Pondering on why life is unfair to good people. Pondering on the fragility of life.

I won't go into details of what happened but those few of you whom I have spoken to about this matter will know what I'm talking about. After all it's still the private lives of others and it's not my position to divulge publicly.

Certainly I do hope that things will turn out well for my friend. I hope and pray that she will stay strong and know that she has a friend in me to count on no matter what happens.

Stay strong, my friend! No matter what, Life Goes On...