Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quote Of The Day

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

I like this quote. Very apt as I deal with people who insist they know everything when in actual fact most of the time they don't know that much more than me... sigh... stubbornness!

On another note, I just came back from the ladies toilet at my office block. Some idiot had a ciggie break in there and the air is just suffocating! Inconsiderate buggers (excuse my language). Why do people assume that common toilets at office blocks are ciggie hangout places???

I demand that my right to clean and fresh air be RESTORED! Smokers should just lock themselves in a glass case and suffocate themselves in there. Let us all regain our rights!


Ok. It's not exactly mid-year but a little over. But I always like to mark the end of July as that means August is coming soon. August is always a month of celebrations for me. For one thing it's my birthday, followed my sis. And now to add to that, Steven's sis and then his bro. I just love August babies. We are a fun bunch and always a joy to hang out with.... Haha... self praise.... but I think friends can vouch to that!

One other reason is that I have nothing better to write late so I thought why not just write something... haha... sorry if you find this a bore but hey, it's my blog and I write what I want.

Life's pretty quiet these days. Other than the occasional eating fest, it's catching up on shows that I've been downloading. Finished watching Criminal Minds Season 6 about 2 weeks ago and am now anxiously waiting for Season 7 to start. It was such a cliffhanger ending in Season 6.... I want to know if The Reaper really killed Hotch!

Am now back to TVB serials. I have watched Forensic Heroes last year and now moving on to Forensic Heroes II. It's ala CSI style but with the usual HK drama and continuation. 30 full episodes of suspense and drama. Just the way I like it. Although the equipment and graphics may not be up to the standard of Hollywood but it's actually quite interesting how they combine Forensics Division with the Heavy Crimes Bureau division and weave several love stories in the midst of all those crimes. Oh well, being the serial addict, most series are nice and enjoyable to me... haha

This year, my birthday happens to fall on a Saturday, which means not a working day for me. Unlike past years where I will apply for annual leave as I make it a point not to work on MY DAY. Am still thinking what to do on that day though. No plans as yet. Maybe a quiet one this time. 

The past few years have been exciting ones. 2 years in a row I was up in Genting. Some winnings in the casino and lovely hot choc at Coffee Bean while enjoying the breeze up there. Last year same time I was in HK for a seminar.

Hmm... any ideas?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Irresponsible Pet Owners... Sigh...

My dad got bitten by a dog last night. Sigh...

My parents take evening walks regularly around the neighbourhood. There's this particular house with 3 dogs and around the same time, the owner lets his dogs out to do their 'business' on the roadside. Typical of Malaysians. As long as the dog doesn't SHIT in their house compound, they can pretty much SHIT anywhere they want.

So, last night, as usual, my parents went for their evening walk. And as usual, this neighbour lets his dogs out. My parents were across the road from where the dogs lived. Just as they were released, one of the dogs ran across the road towards my parents and bit my dad on his thigh. Luckily the dog owner saw and quickly called the dogs back. And thankfully the dog let go and returned to its master.

The bite wasn't deep. Partly also as the dog bit the part of his thigh with shorts covering it. Phew!

The owner offered to bring my dad to the doc's for treatment. Initially my dad was hesitant (as he always is when it comes to visiting a clinic) but my mum managed to convince him. So off they went to a 24-hour clinic with the dog owner and got his ATT jab, antibiotics, antiseptic wash, cream and painkillers. It isn't major but things could have been worse.

I am thinking... what if the dog has diseases? Worse case, rabies! What if the wound had been deeper? What if the dog didn't return to its master and continued attacking? What if the other 2 dogs attacked my dad at the same time? What if 1 attacked my dad and the other dogs attacked my mum? There are just so many possibilities that I can think of.

So there you go. Irresponsible pet owners. Why didn't he put the dogs on leash when letting them out to do their 'business'? So what if it's 3 dogs? Buy 3 leashes? It's only the responsible thing to do. I mean, if that fella goes out for his evening walks, he wouldn't fancy being bitten by a dog, would he?

Oh well, as Malaysians, I think many of us still have a lot to learn when it comes to being responsible pet owners. I'm not saying every Malaysian is irresponsible. Mind you, I have seen a couple walking 7 dogs and all of them are on leash.

Just like in my previous post, how is it possible a tame puppy wanders into my backyard? Quick update though, the puppy is now back with its rightful owner. A teenage boy lost the puppy while playing at the playground opposite my house. Again, why wasn't the puppy on a leash?

I hope and hope that we will all learn to be responsible pet owners....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Look What I Found In My Backyard Last Night....

Went out for a gathering with some ex-colleagues last night. Came back past midnight and heard puppy sounds from the back. We had just been puppy free for 2 days and it was surprising to hear puppy sounds around the house. I thought it must be some puppy roaming the backlane but nonetheless decided to check it out.

Lo and behold... this is what we found...

She was hiding in a corner with her back facing. At first we thought it could be a kitten but a kitten doesn't have big ears standing upright like her. Turned on the lights and saw her instead.

She was shivering not because she was cold but more so because she was scared and hungry. Served up some doggie pellets and she almost immediately turned around and headed to the bowl. That was when we also noticed something funny about her left eye.

Was quite afraid that she's blind or something or maybe her eyeball was missing. On closer inspection, noticed there's a lot of discharge at the eye. We still had some eye drops in the fridge which we used for a kitten we had rescued from the drain before. So put a few drops for her.

Woke up this morning and she was sleeping in the backyard. She didn't yet dare venture to the front as she knows there are 3 big dogs and they aren't very welcoming yet at the moment, especially Jill.

Jill must be wondering what had happened to all her puppies. The 2 that are left had already been taken away by their new owner just 2 days ago. Thought we would be puppy free for a while... Oh well, we are doing a good deed by helping this puppy now.

She was hungry again in the morning (as pups always are) and she helped herself to Jill's leftover rice. As long as I was around in the garden, I might as well checked on her. It was too dark last night to really do much.

Gosh, she had so many ticks on her I'm wondering how she survives the itches. Have caught all the ticks I could find especially in her ears and between her paws. She's getting a little more adventurous now but still mostly stays in the backyard. Still afraid of the big dogs.

Now I'm wondering... The compound is surrounded by wire mesh all round. Front gate, back fence... they are all sealed up. How did this puppy get into the backyard? I suspect someone abandoned her (especially with the infected left eye) and decided to just dump into my backyard. Probably somebody staying around the neighbourhood and had noticed a lot of puppies in my garden. Maybe they think I run a dog pound? Sigh.... the cruelty...

I am hoping that is not the case though. Maybe she somehow managed to squeeze through the back gate... Hopefully someone will come claim her soon. Else, I'll have to put her up for adoption.

Meanwhile, any takers?

Friday, July 10, 2009

A True Legend Is Gone...

Ok... I know this post is like way too late since now Michael Jackson's memorial is already over and done with. Yours truly has been busy and tied up with more important stuff. Not that MJ's death is not important enough to take up my time. I have been following news online about him since his death.

I'm a fan of his songs, yes. But not a fanatic. At least not fanatical enough to be crying and sobbing. In fact, for the past 2 days I've been listening to a lot of hits and I still do love them just as much.

With his passing, there have been so much speculating news going around. Frankly, I'm quite sick of them. The guy just died. Does it matter how he really died? Does it matter who gets custody of his kids? Does it matter where his body is buried? Who are we to even comment on these things? We are nothing but his fans and that's all. 

I watched the repeat telecast of his memorial on Wed night. Couldn't stay up late enough to watch it live. I need my beauty sleep. Even watching the repeat telecast, I had to stay up till almost 1am and went to work the next morning feeling like a zombie.

Now back to what I wanted to say. Firstly, I thought having a memorial for MJ was a good idea. But after watching it, I would rather they have not had one. Well, not one that was held in that manner. It was like a concert! Even the opening choir performance felt so rehearsed. What more can I say?

Other than what his family had to say, I saw only 2 very sincere speeches. One from his long-time childhood friend Brooke Shields and another from Rev. Al Sharpton.

The most memorable quote from the entire night was from Rev. Al Sharpton when he said, "I want his three children to know, there was nothing strange about your dad," he said. "It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it." I totally agree with that statement.

I had always wondered... So what if MJ had all those plastic surgeries? So what if he likes kids? So what if he spent all that money building Neverland? As long as he continued to produce great hits, I think that's all that matters. All these controversies have in the past years forced him into seclusion especially ever since his trial on child molestation charges. And there goes all the potential great hits he could have created and sang for us.

Criticisms have been abound as to why A-list celebrities and close friends like Diana Ross, Liza Minelli and Dame Elizabeth Taylor did not show up although Diana Ross did send a note to be read out to the audience. And is it any of our business whether they show up or not?

People grief in different ways. Some cry at the loss of a loved one, some laugh to celebrate their lives. Some display their grief in public while some hide in their own little corner. Why can't the media just let people grief in their own way? Why do they need to comment on who showed up and who didn't?

A true legend has passed on... Why can't everyone let him rest in peace, for goodness sake!