Saturday, April 04, 2009

Another great lesson... (Part 3)

*** Warning! Continuation of a super-long post. Be warned! ***

Part 3 of my experience in Bali

When I signed up to crew at EBS, I knew I was in for a great time. But I never expected the exhilaration that I felt over the next few days. I sort of knew what I was in for but the emotional journey was just something I never expected.

It's really tough for me to refrain from telling people the right thing to do when they are going the wrong way. Believe me, it's really tough for me. So I know that's going to be my greatest challenge over the next few days.

Day 1 went on rather well. The team seemed to work pretty well together albeit being strangers. Some of them kept on asking what is going to happen next. But as crew, we cannot tell. They have to find out for themselves and learn the lessons themselves. All we can do is guide them. We cannot tell.

Le Meridien observed Earth Hour so lights were off in the whole resort from 8.30pm for an hour. Some teams took this time to really get to know one another more while some just went about and did their own thing.

For me, this EBS has given me a lot of clarity especially on the content. I guess it's because I'm able to pay full attention to the content and not working on a business plan. And with some new content, it's now even clearer.

But the biggest lesson is not in the content. It's about the journey one goes through at EBS and it's different for everyone. I learnt how to let go and allow people to make their mistakes and learn their own lessons.

I also learnt that in giving we receive more. So the more I give the more I receive. I received so much love from my team and though we've all gone back to our own lives, I still feel their love. Although I don't believe that I have given that much to my team but to see and hear their appreciation really makes me appreciate each and every one of them for who they are. Some of us shared a very deep connection in those few days and I believe this connection will stay on no matter where we are. After all, we have the internet and XL Nation and that's how we will all stay connected.

I am looking to crewing again for the next EBS. I have registered my interest. Hope to see some of you there.

Till my next visit to Bali.... (I hope I will get to see the dolphins then)

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