Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Inspiritional Quotes

A friend sent me this recently...

What we are today is a result of our own actions;
Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;
Decide how you have to act now.
We are responsible for what we are, whatever we wish ourselves to be.
We have the power to make ourselves.

The most difficult phase of life
is not when no one understands you;
It is when you don't understand yourself.

Whatever you give to life, it gives you back.
Do not hate anybody.
The hatred which comes out from you will someday come back to you.
Love others. And Love will come back to you.

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else;
And for everything you gain, you lose something else.
It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice.

Arrow goes forward only after pulling it backwards
Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger backwards
Everyone will be happy
only after facing the difficulties in life...
So do not be afraid to face your difficulties.
They will push you forward.

Remember you are born to live
Don't live because you were born!
Don't go the way life takes you...
Take life the way you go!

1 comment:

Sabyasachi Sanyal said...

This is an inspirtional comment sent by your friend with beautiful design of words.Every human being is driven by his own emotion and sentiment,prefer gainful activities and utilisation of time in his own way.The experience and suggesion of others are good to listen but hard to apply in own life situation as it require struggle and determination in mind